Why You Need A Photo Session Date Night

1. You Want to Celebrate Your Love

Commonly couples will hire a professional to take wedding photography and celebrate one of the biggest days in their lives. Weddings are a huge deal.

And so is a relationship the other many days and years together. And so is a relationship when not married!

Anniversaries are big milestones too, but I hope couples also remember that there are no real rules when it comes to when you are allowed or should celebrate your love.

If you are looking to spurge for your next date night, adding a photo session to your plans is something I hope you’ll consider.

Having your photo taken with your sweetheart is fun, but you’ll also be able to look back on the day together with the professional photographs captured.

2. Because your Partner Loves Grand Gestures

Getting a couple portrait together is a pretty big grand gesture. And who doesn’t love a grand gesture?

Specifically, this makes me think of proposals. For a lot of people this may be their train of thought as well, so do approach this idea with thoughtfulness if you are dating and NOT planning on popping the question.

When it comes to grand gestures a portrait session is really versatile because the session could be done privately in-studio or at a low-profile park. But if you know your partner doesn’t mind a bit of attention, the photos could be taken in a popular romantic place. Such as the Tulip Festival in Skagit Valley, or at sunset at Boulevard Park in Bellingham.

3. To Bump up the Romance

To be clear, I am not hating on the classic dinner and movie date. Basic as they may be, they are my favorite.

That being said, having your portrait taken with your partner is an activity where you are going to be prompted to hold each other close.

To hug. To hold hands.

And to kiss.

The kind of date that can’t be anything but romantic.

Being behind the camera I will suggest poses with very basic prompts and the rest is up to you. When I ask for hugging, how the hug happens is not up to me.

So if you are looking to bump up the romance in your next date night, I suggest getting your photo taken together.

4. Personalize your Home Together

This is so important! Now that everyone has a camera in their pocket we create thousands and thousands of photos.

Now, if you narrow the photos on your phone to ones with just you and your partner how many do you have? No fur baby. No baby-baby. No random strangers in the background.

Next, how many are there where both you and your partner are happy with the way you look? Are there any that you like enough to print and frame for your home? If the answer is no then this section is for you.

Your home together is a precious place and making it something special starts with personalizing it with your favorite photographs. I never became an interior designer like the 8th-grader me thought I would be someday, but I do know that displaying photographs of people you love is a no-brainer solution to adding warmth and personality to your mantel or bed-side table.

5. Speak to Your Partner’s Love Language

There’s nothing quite like the feeling when you say THE three words to each other for the first time.

Beyond that fleeting moment, everyone craves positive reinforcement. Wants to feel known and feel loved. Having a photo session together checks many boxes on what some call love languages:

  • Spending quality time together

  • Physical affection

  • Acts of service - scheduling the date and time, coordinating outfits etc. (Knowing what your partner's style is and what colors!)

  • Gift giving - what is a more personalized gift than a photo together you can cherish forever?

If any of this struck a chord with you, I want to encourage you to book a photo session today for your next date night.

You can see more about sessions and get on my calendar now here.

Once you do that you may find this post really helpful too: https://evelynmaephoto.com/blog/what-to-wear-for-couples-photo-session


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