What to Wear as a Couple for Your Photo Session

Before I begin to list out my advice for what to wear for your photo session, it is important to first think about why you are having your photos taken with your partner.

  1. Are you celebrating an anniversary?

  2. Need photos for wedding announcement and invites?

  3. Having photos just because?

  4. Need a beautiful photo to display in your home together?

  5. You didn’t have a big wedding but you both want to invest in a wedding portrait?

Formal or Casual

I encourage you to think about your why so that you can think about what is best for you and your partner, formal or casual. Or something in between?

To give an example it is super trendy, at the moment, to have couple photos taken in sweats or pajamas while cuddling in bed or on a couch. Or if you’ve watched Love is Blind, to have a photo session wearing Calvin Klein branded undies together. Yes, that happened.

Then on the flip side, there is the traditional and super formal couple portrait where there could be tuxes or gowns involved.

Something in between could be something you would wear on date night together to go get dinner and see a movie.

Essentially, this is step number one to decide if you want to get all dressed up or if you want something that looks nice together but is casual.

The right answer for you and your partner probably comes from a combination of why you are having your couple portrait taken and who you are together. If you both live in stretchy pants and your college hoodie (like me if I’m being honest) a casual look may feel more natural and true to your personalities. If it’s for your wedding portrait, that could override your decision and push you into choosing something more finished and polished. Also important to consider, is if you are looking to display your photo together in your home, what style do you want to look at every day?

Is your reason to commemorate a milestone in your relationship or does the formality of your clothing not as important as simply having a professional quality photo together?

For me and my husband, we have some photos displayed from our wedding - tux and wedding dress and all. Then we also have photos of us dressed in nothing special in particular, but sentimental all the same because the photos were taken at the beach on our honeymoon.

Whether you land on fancy or on casual street wear these next tips will apply.

Compliment Not Clash

The biggest concern when choosing what to wear for couple photos. how to coordinate each other’s outfits? In this photo here, both are wearing a below the waist jacket and dark pants. Wearing similar items can help you compliment each other.

For the sake of ease, start with one person choosing their favorite and most flattering outfit. If fashion is important to you both flip a coin with who gets to have the foundational outfit.

  • What are the colors of this first outfit? To choose the other person’s outfit you can try to choose colors and tones that are similar - without being matchy-matchy. At least that’s me, I don’t like matchy-matchy!

  • Or Google complimentary colors and choose the next outfit to be a complimentary color or tone.

  • Both outfits need to be either formal or casual. One person in a t-shirt next to someone in formal wear is a huge clash.

  • Try things on together and look in the mirror standing side by side. What do you think? Sometimes you have to see it on to figure it out.

  • You don’t have to shop, but sometimes buying new is helpful because stores come out with seasonal lines that have complimentary colors and styles across all the departments - men and women.

If you’re having your photo session outside don’t forget to be thoughtful of the time of year an weather. You’ll both want to be comfy.

For in-studio sessions make sure to keep me in the look with your outfits so I can arrange complimentary photo backgrounds for your session. I currently have mocha, sea green, white, navy, orchid, canary yellow, and coral pink backgrounds available.

Your Basic Checklist

Super simple but easy to overlook in a pinch.

  • Is it comfortable? It’s hard to look happy when you feel constrained or itchy.

  • Did you look in the mirror together? Do a mirror check before the session day! Don’t forget to try on your shoes too.

  • Does it fit? Too tight or too baggy doesn’t look nice on anyone.

  • Be you. These photos will be yours to treasure so don’t choose things on what you think you’re supposed to wear, but what represents you well.

  • What is the goal? If you’re displaying your favorite photos on your living room wall what colors go with your every day style?

Leave Out the Stress and Plan Ahead

The last thing you want to have happen, is to make this decision right before the session and have it create tension or cause an argument right before you pose together where you want to be looking happy and in love.

I recommend choosing what to wear one weekend ahead of your session.

Still Need Advice?

I’m available to help with your specific outfit choice so feel free to share some selfies for additional tips or to get my opinion. Friends and family could also be a valuable sounding board as they know you and your partner best and can help you choose something that represents you well.


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What to Expect for your Couples Photo Session