Why Anniversary Photos Matter And Why I Love Them

Don’t Wait for XYZ

Anniversaries are special and celebrating is them is so important. Your partner is the most important person in your life, so when it comes to celebrations what is more important than celebrating your love and commitment to your partner? Whether it’s the 1st, 12th, 22nd or 50th anniversary, life spent together should be cherished and appreciated. I know it’s super cheesy but the fact is: life is short.

Life is also HARD. Such an understatement, I know. But the good things in life are what make it all worth it. And your loving and loyal partner is probably the best thing that will ever happen to you.

You are doing yourself a disservice if you think you have to wait for any particular anniversary, like the big 5-0 to go big. Don’t think you have to wait for a breakthrough in couples counseling, or wait for valentine’s day or any other XYZ reason. Let your love be the reason to celebrate and then just go for it.

My Case for Professional Couple Portraits

Many couples never get professional portraits taken after the wedding. And some couples never legally get married, but are committed for life! Either way relationships deepen and grow stronger as life is lived together. Weddings are all about the humungous initial decision to partner up till death do you part. But anniversaries are celebrating the continual dedication through the highs and lows year after year. Isn’t that worth even more? I’d love to help you capture your relationship with your partner with a professional couple photo.

Where isn’t as Important as Who

My style of photography is focused on capturing your relationship. Your faces and expressions, how you hold and kiss each other. Where you are now with your partner is what the celebration is all about.

I’m brining this up because the photo session location isn’t going to determine how meaningful these photos will be. No need to fly to the city where you were married or where you had your first date — that isn’t going to be what is special about your photo session.

By all means visiting those special places are a great idea to celebrate an anniversary. But for the purpose of the session, it’s okay to keep the location simple and focus on who you are celebrating with.

Don’t Forget to Print

A social media post and an updated screensaver on your phone are easy ways to use your digital photos. But the best way to enjoy your professional couple photos is to print them for display and maybe one day, they can be passed on through the generations in your family.

Why I Love Anniversary Photos

Why I love Anniversary Photos

I’m a sucker for a good love story. Romance, is well, romantic!

But in a lot of love stories, we only really hear about the beginning. Anniversary photos celebrates another chapter of a couples story and I feel so honored whenever I get the chance to be the one to help capture it.


What to Expect For Your Session


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