How to Schedule Your Photo Session While I'm on Maternity Leave

Newborn Portrait Sleeping

As you probably guessed from an earlier post 3 Outfit Ideas for Affordable Maternity Portraits, I had a baby! And we named him Jordan. :)

While I'm taking maternity leave you can still schedule your photo session for later this summer or for the early Fall season. Here is how you can do that.

  1. Select a time and date from my booking calendar by clicking "Book Now" on my booking page.

  2. Complete the client questionnaire form that will be automatically sent to your inbox once you submit your photo session request.

  3. Usually I respond within 24 hours, but while I'm on Maternity Leave this could take a little longer. I appreciate your patience! Once I review your client questionnaire I'll reach out to you to smooth out any details. For example, to pin down the photo session location or to answer any questions you might have about having your portrait taken.

  4. Once the details are set, I'll send you an agreement to sign and invoice to pay. And BAM, your photo session is scheduled!

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Here are photos from our newborn photo session that I took at our home. (A timer and remote trigger became really handy!)

Newborn Portrait Sleeping


Senior Portrait - Makenna


3 Outfit Ideas for Affordable Maternity Portraits