You don't have to smile in every photo


Smiling for the camera is the most common and, I believe, the most useful aspect of posing for a portrait. Smiling faces are friendly and easy on the eyes. It looks good and when you’re with a loved one or loved furry friend it can be hard to keep a straight face.

When I display family photos at home or on my social media profiles, you’ll see that it’s all smiles or funny faces across the board.

All that to say, I love photos of smiling people. BUT, I also believe you don’t have to smile in every photo let alone a giant say-cheese-smile.

Here are five portrait scenarios you will cherish even though you are not smiling in them.


1. Nose to nose with your spouse.

You’re right, you can see subtle smiles here but definitely not the classic say-cheese smile. Can you imagine how awkward that would have been if I asked them to give me a big smile in this pose? 

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2. The glamour shot.

Both men and women can work the glamour shot and this young man nailed it. You don’t have to be a professional model to achieve this. Dressing the part and then following a photographers instructions goes a long way.

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3. Relaxed at home.

In-home sessions are great opportunities to capture both candid and posed but natural portraits of families simply being a family. Neither baby or first-time dad here are smiling, but the scene is a classic moment that inspires warm-and-fuzzy emotions.

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4. The side profile.

Similar to the glamour shot, a side profile makes a great portrait even without a smile. It’s a unique angle that is flattering, it reveals a fun hairstyle and it also gives a photographer a chance to play with light and shadows in a moody or creative way to enhance the features of the subject.

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5. Let's be serious.

No one is always happy. You don't have to smile in every photo because that would be disingenuous to being a person. Giving different expressions when you have your portrait taken can capture a wider perspective to who you are. Plus, displaying photos side-by-side of different expressions makes a great collage. 

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Engagement: Aaron & Nancy


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