I've got you covered: bye bye blemishes

Bye Bye Blemishes

Most of us do not have perfect blemish-free skin, and that’s okay. It’s natural and perfectly normal to have blemishes and to have breakouts, but when you have your portrait taken it can take away from the bigger picture. A portrait represents you. Temporary blemishes don’t.

I always lightly touch up my photographs and that includes blemish removal. You’ll notice in these examples below I keep my freckles and that’s because those freckles are apart of who I am. If I had a scar I’d probably keep that too because a scar would be apart of who I am. But pimples and dry skin are temporary afflictions that distract from a profile.

So when it comes to picture day don’t worry about an untimely pimple or breakout. I’ve got you covered.

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You don't have to smile in every photo


High School Senior Portrait - Justin