Why You Don't Need to Smile in Every Photo

A collage of six portraits of people not smiling.

Embracing Authenticity: Why You Don't Need to Smile in Every Photo

As a portrait photographer, I’ve had the joy of capturing many smiles over the years. There’s something undeniably beautiful about a genuine smile and seeing someone light up, but today, I want to chat about something a little different. Let’s talk about the power of NOT smiling in photos.

Yes, you read that right. You don’t need to smile in every photo, and here’s why:

1. Authenticity Shines Through

A forced smile doesn’t look great on any face so don’t be afraid to relax your cheeks and lean in to the moment. Whether you’re feeling contemplative, serene, or even a bit mischievous, those emotions are just as worthy of being captured. A non-smiling portrait can reveal a deeper layer of who you are, showcasing your authentic self.

2. Embracing a Range of Emotions

Life isn’t always about grinning from ear to ear. There’s a whole spectrum of emotions that make us who we are. From the quiet strength in your eyes to the subtle curve of your lips when you’re deep in thought, these moments are just as powerful as a smile. I want to help celebrate the full range of your beautiful complexity.

3. Timeless Elegance

There’s a reason why so many classic portraits feature serious expressions. A non-smiling face can exude a timeless elegance and sophistication. Think of those iconic black-and-white portraits where the subject’s eyes tell a story. There’s a certain vibe that comes with a more serious look, one that makes you wonder about the story behind the eyes.

4. Reducing the Pressure

Let’s be real: not everyone feels comfortable smiling on command. For some, the pressure to always look happy in photos can be stressful. By letting go of the need to smile, you can relax and be more present in the moment. This often leads to more natural and genuine expressions that are uniquely you.

A Few Tips for Your Portrait

  • Be Yourself: Whether you’re feeling joyful, pensive, or anything in between, let those emotions come through. Trust me, they’ll make for stunning photos.

  • Trust me, your photographer: A good photographer knows how to bring out the best in you, smile or no smile. Let me guide you through the process and capture your personality.

  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try different expressions. Sometimes the best photos come from those in-between moments when you’re just being you.

So next time you’re in front of the camera, remember: it’s perfectly okay not to smile.

Does this resonate with you? If a particular story comes to mind, feel free to share in the comments below.


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