What To Wear For Your Photo Session: Bellingham Photographer Guide

The Most Frequently Question of All Time as a Portrait Photographer: What Should I Wear? 

Right off the bat I want to be clear I am not Tan France and I'm not going to pretend to be your personal fashion stylist. What I can do for you is offer my expertise and eye for details that I especially notice when I sit down and go though my editing and post session processes.

This guide is especially important if you have never had your photos done professionally before and you don't know what to expect or what works best. Here is what you need to know and things worth giving some thought.

Keep Your Final Print Products in Mind

If you are going to pay for professional work you are probably going to want to look at your photos right?

So ask yourself, how am I going to display my favorite photo(s)? You are not going to want them to collect digital dust bunnies on your hard drive. I include a single 8x10 and a photo book with all of my sessions so you will get something to get started with. 

So in addition to those prints, maybe you envision a large piece of wall art for your living room or bedroom. That's when you will probably want to make sure that your photo compliments your personal style and wear something that does not contradict your room. If your room has lots of pops of color maybe you will want to wear a colorful outfit. If your room is full with indoor plants and natural textures you'll probably want to wear something earthy and neutral. If your room is bold and dramatic, bring on the drama. 

If I've lost you because you don't know your interior style or one that matches your wardrobe don’t panic. It's not a requirement to match your interior design in order to look nice for photos. It's just something to consider.


If in doubt, stick with solid colors.

Some of my favorite outfits have stripes and patterns but more often than not solid colors photograph better for portraits. If you feel fabulous in a print then I won't stop you from wearing it, because at the end of the day whatever you feel most confident in will really make a difference in how you present yourself. 

Picking the Color (s)

Choosing colors does not need to be complicated. Choose one color and then add neutrals. This can help you choose layers that work great. For a family this works very nicely because then everyone can have a simple color guideline and you won't end up being too matchy-matchy.

Here is an example of that with Blue, White and Grey and Black: 

Tip for couples: choose two complimentary colors and a neutral if necessary. One partner could wear a solid blue outfit while the other one wears something orange.

If You Want Timeless

If you want something that will outlast all trends and styles then neutral colors and clothing is the way to go. Neutral colors can be black, grey, white, beige or pale. For my own headshot I decided on this plain beige sweater.

Timeless outfits can include:

  • Turtlenecks and pants

  • T-Shirts and jeans

  • Button-ups and slacks

  • Suits

Timeless outfits do not include:

  • Words and numbers

  • Logos

  • Trendy patterns or prints

Tips for On-Location Sessions

On-Location, or outdoor sessions, will require your outfit choice to be practical in order for it to be a positive experience. 

For instance I love doing photo sessions at local waterfront areas and that means sand and rock. Avoid heals and flimsy sandals for waterfront locations. 

If it's January or February you'll want to wear weather appropriate shoes and an outfit that is basically your winter coat with accessories. If you don't like the way you look in your winter jacket then it may be time to shop for one you do like.


Deciding if you want a hat or gloves will be a simple addition. For my in-law’s 40th anniversary I knew it would be a cold (February typically is!) so I brought them nice jackets because it would be impractical to have them take off their coats.


Changing at a park restroom can be tricky so consider wearing layers instead or clothing that is easy to change. For senior sessions this is why bringing a parent can be a good idea because they can help hold items during outfit changes. Park restrooms usually do not have a lot of hooks to hang things.

Benefits of In-Studio Sessions

The benefits of a studio session means it'll be easy to:

  • Change outfits

  • Check your hair I'm a mirror

  • You can wear whatever shoes you desire or no shoes at all

  • Dress to your style and not to weather

Details that Matter

When choosing what to wear for your photos you'll want to keep these details in mind:

  • Does your jewelry snag or need to be re-centered a lot? If you decide to wear jewelry, remind me to keep an eye out for it if it needs to be fixed.

  • Your own body positivity and self-esteem: We are all on our own journey of self-acceptance and self-love. And it's totally normal to have insecurities. So wear something that makes you feel beautiful.

  • Clothes that fit: wearing something too big or small can be distracting.

  • Shoes: if you do wear something dressed up make sure you aren't wearing your yard work sneakers.

  • Even if you are not going for a timeless style, avoid logos and graphics.

  • Kids & babies: accidents and spills happen so be sure to have a second outfit for backup.

You Don’t Have to Go Shopping, But if You Do:

More likely than not you probably have something in your closet that will work beautifully for your photo session. But if you do go shopping, this is especially helpful for couples and families. What I usually notice about department stores and clothing outfitters is they come out with seasonal lines where the selection will have similar colors, color tones, styles and complimentary pieces across all departments - women’s, men’s and kids. The last time I was in H&M for example, I walked through the whole store and I noticed that there was a consistent color pallet for standard pieces like pants and t-shirts and sweaters. 

So if you do go shopping, this could be helpful to coordinate the entire family or to coordinate with your partner’s outfit.

Give Yourself Time to Decide

If you are a natural planner then choosing what to wear way in advance of the photo day will be automatic for you. If you are thinking, "no way do I plan things way ahead of time!" then give yourself a deadline at least three days before photo day to pick out what to wear. Put a reminder or notification alert in your phone and stick to it. You will thank yourself later when you wake up and know exactly what you are going to wear. Having this important decision made in advance will also help keep you on time and minimize stress. I want your experience to be fabulous and rushing usually gets in the way of that.

In Conclusion

The important take-aways of this guide:

  • Think about your printed photos. Visualize the final result.

  • Solid colors are less risky compared to patterns and prints.

  • Neutrals are timeless and easy to pair and layer.

  • Be Practical.

  • Plan Ahead.

  • Bring a backup or alternative outfit.

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