What to Wear to Your Fall Photo Session - Bellingham, Wash.

Crisp cool air, crunchy scattering leaves and earlier sunsets will be greeting us outside soon.

There’s still a few weeks left to enjoy of warm weather, but the time to start planning for your Fall photos is now.

If you have something to celebrate or simply want to savor the right-now with your family, let’s make some magic this Fall.

The season is classic and maybe even a nostalgic time of the year to have your photos done.

As a photographer here are my tips to guide you as you decide what to wear for your fall photos.

#1 Celebrate with Autumn Colors and Warm Neutrals

Obviously earthy red, orange, yellow and browns are beautiful colors to compliment the season. Instead of implementing all of these colors I recommend pairing one of them with a cream or beige. Even wearing blue jeans looks nice because blue is a complimentary color to orange.

Committing to one solid color by wearing a dress or even a suit will make you stand out and turn your photo into a stunning portrait.

#2 Simple is Beautiful

Choosing items that are graphic and logo free is the way to go for portraits. For kids, this can particularly tricky! There’s often times a playful graphic or quote printed on shirts and jackets. Looking for something new is worth the investment if you don’t have anything graphic free.

Say your favorite outfits have logos on it, then I recommend making sure the same brand is worn throughout your outfit. If you have a lot of nice athletic gear for example, don’t wear your Nike sneakers with an Adidas jacket. Be consistent and stick to one brand in your outfit choice.

I prefer solid colors over prints and patterns, but if you’d like to add details to your look, playing with fuzzy or knit items can really bring out the Fall vibes and provide texture and depth without being too busy.

#3 Prepare for Weather

The beginning of Fall in the northwest really feels like a mild version of Summer. But sometimes the shift from 70 degree days to 40 degrees and rainy happens in a flash.

So for on-location Fall sessions be prepared with a look that you love AND is weather appropriate. So water-proof shoes and a jacket to layer on top that doesn’t sacrifice your style.

I usually coordinate to reschedule if the weather turns into an all out downpour but if you want to capture that magical Fall rain, I would recommend even picking out a cute umbrella ahead of time be ready for the opportunity. I do have some see-through umbrellas with white handles available for you to borrow too.

Also be sure to do a mirror check with your shoes and coat to confirm you like they way you look with all these pieces together.

In Conclusion

So remember, there is nothing wrong about being obvious and selecting a Fall color. It’s a smart and beautiful choice to compliment the natural foliage!

Simplicity will keep the focus on faces and expressions - the goal is to make a beautiful portrait.

Being ready for the weather will also ensure you stay comfortable and able to enjoy the moment without worry. So cut out the stress and keep practicality in mind.

I hope these tips have given you the inspiration and confidence to choose what to wear.

Was there something that was particularly helpful to you? Let me know in the comments 🙂


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