New Year New You: Signs You Need a New Headshot

Out with the Old

These are two headshots of me taken four years apart. The on the left from just a few weeks ago, and the one on the right my headshot I did when I relaunched my photography business in 2018. What a difference!

Here are 6 different signs that you need a new headshot this year.

Your profile picture is a few years old

Every now and then I see friends from high school pop up in my Facebook feed and their profile photo is the same as it was in high school. We had our 10 year reunion awhile ago, so yes, please don’t be that one guy from high school who still has their senior photo as their profile photo.

You have a different haircut or hair color than pictured before

Hair is super fun and can be a great way to express your personality. So if you change your hair definitely change your headshot.

The best photo of you is a group photo

When I developed a crush on a man, who is now my husband, I of course took to social media to learn more about him and see if we had any common interests. To my dismay, his profile photo was a group photo where he was flanked on either side by two gorgeous women. Later I found out he was single, and those beautiful ladies were his cousins. Ops!

Cut out the guess work, and make sure wherever you have your headshot or profile photo displayed there is no question about who you are.

You don't have a photo you'd feel proud to post to LinkedIn

Say right now you are on the hunt for a new job and you make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and a glowing representation of who you are. If you look at your headshot on your profile and don’t feel 100% confident or excited for a potential employer to see it, that’s a sign you should get a new headshot.

A stranger would not recognize you based on your current headshot or profile picture

Don’t be a cat fisher. Even if the photo you post is a photo of you. Get a new headshot if your current one does not reflect what you look like now. If you usually don’t wear makeup, don’t wear makeup in your headshot. If you usually wear glasses, keep your glasses on in your headshot.

You have achieved a milestone or achievement and need to celebrate

What I love about what I do is that my portrait photography celebrates life and amazing humans. So if you’ve graduated from grad school, or run your first marathon, or achieved a huge personal you should consider booking a photo session. You’re not in the first grade anymore, (I would assume) so commemorate with more than a pizza party. Go big. Get yourself a new headshot.

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I Love Being a Portrait Photographer. Thank you!


Print photos included in every photo session